Falcon Chambers
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We can accommodate some arbitration hearings at Falcon Chambers or at a nearby location in central London. Either way we can, if desired, make the necessary bookings on your behalf, passing the costs directly onto you.

Alternatively, if you have a preferred location (whether in central London or elsewhere), the Arbitrator will be happy to travel to your venue of choice.

Where parties intend to make their own accommodation arrangements for the arbitration hearing, we suggest you speak to our Arbitration Clerk before booking any accommodation.  She will be able to advise you as to the number of rooms required and discuss any other relevant considerations.

At Falcon Chambers Arbitration our aim is to give a good service at all times. However we do appreciate that even in the best run organisations things can go wrong. If you have a complaint you are invited to contact Chambers as soon as possible. It is not necessary to involve your solicitor or professional access intermediary in order to make your complaint but you are free to do so if you wish.

You may also be able to complain to the Legal Services Ombudsman (LeO), contact details for LeO are contained within our Complaints Procedure (below).

Our Chambers Director Edith Robertson will normally deal with complaints and she can be contacted on 020 7353 2484, e.robertson@falcon-chambers.com. There are time limits with regard to making complaints either to chambers or LeO, and these are contained within the Chambers Complaints Procedure. 

The decision data with regard to LeO can be found here

A copy of the Complaints Procedure is available on the following link. 

Chambers Complaints Procedure